Founded in 1993, McFarren Group specializes in the identification and validation of large-scale capital infrastructure projects with a focus on preparing them for financing. We have deep, global expertise in several industry areas including alternative energy (specifically bio-fuel) production, coal remediation and rail infrastructure. We also have broad exposure to other industries that require large capital for start-up. As such, we are well positioned to evaluate these projects and filter them down to those that meet the environmental, financial and risk profiles desired for investment by your clients.
McFarren Group believes that processing optimization and market protection are the keys to successful (and profitable) project development. A cornerstone of this approach is that new facilities should be positioned to maximize profit potential in a variety of market scenarios and must include compensating safeguards against exposure to volatile market conditions.
McFarren Group is well positioned to guide you through the process of selecting, designing and building new investments in the alternative energy market. Our established relationships with projects, key stakeholders and financial institutions give us a unique vantage point from which we gain insights into the dynamics that drive profitability in these markets. Our holistic approach and honest critique of projects, combined with a tenacity to drill down to critical details has become the hallmark of our collective reputation in the alternative fuels industry.
Combining intensive research with over 30 years in the industry, McFarren Group partners with your project to ensure that you are well positioned to be considered for funding. We pride ourselves on the relationships that we build with the project stakeholders and the connections we maintain with our funding partners. Our goal is your success...and we stake our reputation on it.